There are 2 Membership Tiers: Social (Friend) and Comprehensive. Click on “Join Us” to see what’s included with each.
Social Life & Friendships
Friendships are formed and enriched when WPV members and volunteers come together and enjoy one another’s company by engaging in shared interests, social events, group outings, and friendly visits.
Health & Wellbeing
In today’s world, aging requires more than good medical care. The sense of community that comes from Village membership improves one’s quality of life and wellbeing as a whole as we progress through each decade.
Educational Events
Members have a variety of opportunities to learn about topics of interest ranging from health and wellbeing, internet safety, legacy planning, emergency preparedness, Medicare and more.
Home Services & Maintenance
Village members live in a variety of settings. WPV supports many aspects of maintenance, errands and chores to ensure that every member’s house, apartment, condo, or assisted living facility continues to feels like home.
Service Referrals
Members can access information about local businesses and organizations that are trusted and recommended by other community members.
Members are supported with transportation, providing the freedom to make plans, appointments, stay active, meet up with other individuals, and stay involved with their interests. Free to WPV events; extra charge for personal trips.
Download our brochure for more information here: WPV Brochure (final)

“WPV Tech wizard David Duran came to the rescue and solved all my computer and ipad issues! So appreciate this WPV service.”
– WPV Member

“Our Monthly On the Move group is a chance to have a fun day out and see interesting cultural attractions around LA.”
– WPV Member
Copyright © 2020 Westside Pacific Villages | Website by Spotlight Story Productions, LLC.